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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1737
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .17 .7548
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 6،
issue Number 100
Analysis of flaner as one of the manifestations of Sufi social behavior style (Case study: Masnavis of Attar and Masnavi of Molana)
Kobra Shayanmehr , Ahmad Amin (Author in Charge), Parastoo Karimi
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Sufi behavior and character is not limited to one or more specific aspects, because in their behavioral system, many special and even unique customs can be seen, and adherence to them was sometimes considered as a condition of Sufiism. This behavior of ours also appeared in Sufi living areas, including in the way of living and making a living, which sometimes forced them to wander and wander. The main purpose of this essay is to investigate and analyze the behavior of flaner as one of the behaviors of Sufis in Attar"s Masnavis and Molana"s Masnavi and to analyze and explain Attar"s and Molana"s views in this regard.
METHODOLOGY: The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical based on library studies and document analysis.
FINDINGS: The findings of the research indicate that Attar and Molana do not have a positive view of flaner and begging and if begging and poverty are praised in some verses and anecdotes of these two mystical poets, the meaning of poverty. God is the only one who is truly in need; Both Attar and Molana are opponents of tyranny, unemployment, and begging as a type of abnormal social behavior.
CONCLUSION: The results of the research show that Attar and Molana do not consider Tawakkul as the permission of begging and roaming dervishes and others, and they are strongly against begging for a living based on egoism and gluttony. Attar"s approach in Elahinameh is more critical than his other Masnavies, and Molana has condemned flaner in many ways in the six books of Masnavies.
, Attar
, Molana
, The mystical poem.
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